Top 5 Disney Princes

1. Beast/Prince Adam, Beauty and the Beast

Belle-and-the-human-Beast-beauty-and-the-beast-9197828-852-480Admittedly my favorite movie, there are a few things that are always brought up when I say Adam/Beast is my favorite Prince.

First, people always bring up the fact that for 90 percent of the movie, he’s an animal. Bestiality is always comes into the picture. Well I say, get your brain out of the gutter and realize… IT’S A DISNEY MOVIE! It’s cute and adorable. The girl falls for the guy, they struggle a bit and they fall in love at the end. It’s that simple. Even as the beast his personality wins you over–when he gives Belle an entire library, when he plays in the snow with her, when he almost dies for her–that is a man I can get on board with!

The second thing is Belle’s whole Stockholm Syndrome thing. Well, that’s a plot problem, not an Adam problem. Wouldn’t you be a little antsy if you were cooped up for 20 years in an old, drafty castle?

Anyway, the peak for all of Adam’s loveliness comes in the last 10 minutes when he changes from into a gorgeous man with flowing, long hair. In my book, he’s a keeper!

2. Aladdin, Aladdin

aladdin_breadFrom a street rat to a prince, Aladdin sings and stumbles his way into Jasmine’s heart. But he’s persistent, he has a sassy pet monkey and unlimited world power courtesy of one blue genie.

Like most guys (in real life), he discovers he has to be himself to win the girl. Disregarding the magic lamp and human-like monkey, Aladdin seems to be one of the most real Disney princes.

It doesn’t hurt that he seems to have an aversion to shirts but I’m not complaining.

Lastly, (if I my Disney knowledge is correct) Aladdin is the FIRST Disney prince to have his own song. Not a song with a princess, but his very own song! The opening number of the movie is all Aladdin. Check out One Jump Ahead! He even follows it up with…

3. Prince Phillip, Sleeping Beauty

One statement…HE CAN DANCE!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

4. Prince Naveen, Princess and the Frog

Prince-Naveen-disney-prince-29841275-1280-720 Ok. Yes, just like the beast, he’s a frog for the majority of the movie.

But–He’s musically inclined. He has a glowing smile and he helps his lovely lady make her dream in the end. This is, of course, after they turned themselves back into humans.

His sweet soulful voice can serenade me anytime.

5. Simba, The Lion King

94_-_simba_smiling Now Simba is an animal THE ENTIRE MOVIE. But, he is also a stubbornly, sweet charmer THE ENTIRE MOVIE! From cub to fully grown lion, Simba is a little rascal.

With one of the BEST DISNEY SONGS in his movie, how can he not make the Top 5.

He overthrows his evil uncle, wins the girl and puts up with a crazy baboon. Simba is a top Disney prince.

I mean he just can’t wait to be king, can he.

If I had continued to 10, it would have sorted itself out like this…

6. Prince Charming, Cinderella [Chivalry at its finest]

7. Li Shang, Mulan [The next best song]

8. Tarzan, Tarzan [Swinging through trees with the greatest of ease]

9. John Smith, Pocahontas  [New world, new prince]

10. Hercules, Hercules [Don’t you worry, you are meant to be in the top 10]

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